Monday, January 17, 2011

My child has autism. Is there anything that works?

Twenty years ago, all we ever heard about was attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Today, all we hear about is autism. Why have people become so consumed with autism? Firstly, despite intense research, we still have very few ideas on the cause, pathogenesis and treatment. Almost on a regular basis, there is a new theory and treatment on cyberspace. Autism is a difficult disorder and is best treated by someone who understands childhood developmental growth. While some parents do have their child under the care of a mental health professional, there are just as many parents who do not. The reason is a deep dis-satisfaction with conventional medical therapy. We live in a society where everyone wants instant gratification and results. Unfortunately, autism is the last disorder which can make be treated with a magic bullet and expect overnight success. 
Before you embark on an unrewarding voyage in search of a treatment, you should know that there is no cure for this disorder nor is there any effective medical therapy that works in all children. Some autistic children may respond to one type of treatment and others may respond to an entirely different treatment. Most experts agree that if your child fails one treatment, than he/she should be considered for another treatment option. 

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