Monday, January 17, 2011

Do complimentary treatments help autistic children?

Almost everything underneath the sun has at one time been recommended as a treatment for autism. Asides from standard behavior and education therapies, there are a lot of complementary therapies. Some of these are based on scientific evidence, others are based on folk lore and many are simply guess work. Thus, as a parent it is important to discuss with your physician what evidence is behind each therapy and the chance of success.

Before you embark on a fruitless journey in search of a cure, you should know that there is no cure for this dreadful disorder nor is there any magic bullet that works in all children. Some autistic children may respond to one type of treatment and others may respond to an entirely different treatment. What is recommended that is that if your child fails one treatment, than he/she should be considered for another treatment option. Finally, treatment of autism has become a major business. You will soon discover that everyone wants your money- a lot of your money for therapies that suck. So do your homework. 

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